Julia’s Bites + Beats

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It’s time for an upgrade!

Hi lovely followers, subscribers, and cyber wanderers! I have created a new blog on my own personal website as an expansion of this .Wordpress: www.JuliasBitesandBeats.com and I’m super super stoked about it!

I grew up heavily into cooking and music but went on to pursue a music degree in college. Fast forward a few years and now I’m working at a University in their music department but beginning to take courses in Food Studies. With my new website I hope to merge my two passions.

Julia’s Bites + Beats not only contains Bites: Broccoli + Bacon my Paleo-focused recipes, but also Beats: Music to Cook By original monthly playlists based on themes of holidays, events, and of course- food and recipes! I also made up another little segment titled Follow Friday when on every Friday I will post about a cool new cookbook or recipe I like at the moment, or an artist I cannot stop listening to, or a blog I’m following.

I hope to see you over at JuliasBitesandBeats.com 🙂 Come follow me there for updates on my latest kitchen experiments and musical musings!
